Sunday, January 01, 2006

The Quizzing Journey......

The group of avid quizzers who wanted to carry on their passion for quizzing in schools,but fate keeping them apart ,ie they attended different colleges,but still wanted to stay connected in the quizzing as well as the real world...........

So one of them started a quizzing group ,where else but on the world wide web,and named it quizzards_2k4,probably because he was'nt sure how long the group would survive,as the members led their busy lives......

Over the last two years (B-Day 26th December) the number of members has grown to a modes 48,modest because we wanted to keep the circle small,but the number of contributors have steadily dwindled........

Fortnightly quiz was a good trend started but slowly vanished into oblivion after 6 months or so..
So if you want to gain acces to the number of earlier quizzes posted on this group then join us
Comments and suggestions to liven up group activity will be highly acknowledged

You can contact me at

In the last two Years Suhel Banerjee,Souvik Basu,Saurish Das and Yours truly have been the chief contributors

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